Jamaican Jerk Drumsticks with Hawaiian Rice and Veggies

Macros (makes 6 servings):

Protein: 53
Carbs: 118
Fat: 23
Calories: 891

Grocery List:

  • Chicken drumsticks (4 lbs)
  • Jamaican jerk marinade (one 16 oz bottle – I used World Harbors brand)
  • Minced garlic (2 TBSP)
  • Minced ginger (2 TBSP)
  • Lime (2)
  • Pineapple chunks in pineapple juice (one 20 oz can)
  • White rice (12 servings)
  • Habanero pepper (2)
  • Zucchini (1)
  • Yellow squash (1)
  • Red onion (1)
  • Carrot (3 medium-sized)
  • Seasonings: salt, pepper, cinnamon, brown sugar


  1. Add chicken drumsticks to a large container. Pour marinade into the container and add minced garlic, minced ginger, diced habanero pepper, zest from the two limes, and then squeeze the limes for the juice. Mix thoroughly and let it marinade for ~ 2 hours
  2. Add white rice, diced pineapple, pineapple juice (should be about 1 cup in the can), and water (5 cups) to a rice cooker. Cook on white rice setting
  3. When the chicken is done marinating, pre-heat oven to 350 ºF
  4. Add chicken drumsticks to a baking sheet lined with aluminum foil, skin side down first (keep the marinade for later steps!)
  5. Bake for 25 minutes at 350 ºF
  6. While the chicken is baking for the first time, dice all of your veggies
  7. Remove the chicken, flip it over (skin side up now), and baste the chicken heavily with remaining marinade (save some for a final broil)
  8. Bake for another 25 minutes at 350 ºF (internal temp of 165 ºF)
  9. Remove chicken and turn oven to high broil
  10. Add remaining marinade to the chicken
  11. Broil on high for 4 minutes, remove the chicken, and then set the oven to 425 ºF
  12. Add diced veggies to a baking sheet lined with aluminum foil and bake at 425 ºF for 10-15 minutes until desired tenderness (optional: broil these at the end too)
  13. Add cooked rice to a meal prep container, top the rice with veggies, and then finally your drumsticks
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